Professional Work
Julian Ng is a management consultant and trainer by profession.
Areas of expertise include quality assurance and management (he is a certified lead auditor), creative thinking, leadership and teambuilding, and education management (including learning skills). He has done work for and on behalf of Honda, Fortis, MTR, Ageas, Manulife, Egyptair, Institute of Railway Engineers, the Royal Jordanian Airforce, the Qatari Army, and many others.
He has lectured at universities around the world, developed teaching and learning materials, and mentors students on various graduate programmes. He is also a professional and motivational speaker.
See LinkedIn Profile for more.

About this Site
This site has been reincarnated so many times even a cat with good karma can’t compete. It has come a long way since its debut in 1994.
The older versions functioned as a blog before blogs actually existed. While this site retains the blogging function, it now also serves as a personal and professional profile – allowing me to expound my thoughts, share tidbits, and sandbox ideas.
Naturally, this site is gloriously self-indulgent. Quite unabashedly, at that.
Still, every now and then, you may catch a glimmer of humour, a dose of hope, and a sliver of knowledge to pique your interest – along with dollops of wry wit and scenic cynicism.
So, have a gander – click on the articles according to the categories that you like. Drop me a note if you like what I have said, or if you want to know more about something.
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